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TSC Has Expanded Its Media Team

Back in April of this year, The Starr Conspiracy and Ocho welcomed four new members to the Media Team. As one of these new members, I am pleased to make the blogging debut for our group and initiate a series of posts discussing what each of us will contribute to TSC. As a team, we bridge the gap between advertising and technology and we plan to keep our perspective well aligned with Ocho. If you are not familiar with our eight-armed mascot, Ocho is a loved and valuable inveterate invertebrate advocating our value of veracity. (Sorry, got on a roll inspired by a scene in V for Vendetta.)

Put simply, Ocho is an octopus that represents The Starr Conspiracy’s explorer archetype and mission to promote and defend truth in advertising. You can find him on our branded promotional work and flying high on our flag outside of the Fort Worth office as well as glowing bright on a neon sign in the San Francisco office.

The selection process to broaden the Media Team was lengthy and specific, with a mission to identify individuals who would not only synchronize with the agency’s culture, but also manifest many of Ocho’s qualities, enumerated here:

  • Intelligence: Octopuses are known to be highly intelligent creatures. Two-thirds of their neurons are located throughout their tentacles, or arms, which can perform different tasks in unison. At TSC, the Media Team is a collection of folks who take an inquisitive approach to problem solving. We are an ambitious group who enjoys reading, writing, and learning in any capacity, and we happen to complement each other well — performing different tasks in unison.
  • Creativity: Octopuses are an innovative bunch; they arrange gardens and are the only cephalopods known to use tools. The Media Team is stimulated by new technology and finding ways to improve our reporting platform. We strive to become innovative digital media strategists — specializing and increasing our depth of knowledge, while creating new ways to promote clients.
  • Mystery: Octopuses are not the most well-understood animals. With three hearts, the ability to camouflage, and multiple methods of locomotion, there is much to be discovered about these critters. The Media Team may have 3 1/2 hearts among the four new members (a bit of self-deprecating humor), but we also have some surprising interests and ideas up our sleeves.

We hope at this point you are intrigued and stay tuned for details on how each Media Team member is focusing on an area of specialization in efforts to improve the traditional and digital media practices at TSC and change B2B marketing forever.