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20 Influencers, Analysts and Brands To Follow On Twitter For #HRTechConf


If you’re amping up for HR Tech, you will want to connect with these 20 influencers, analysts and brands to fill your Twitter news feed with the most relevant #HRTechConf content you can find.

  1. new_twitter_logo@HRTechConf
  2. Bret Starr
  3. Lance Haun
  4. Steve Boese
  5. Bill Kutik
  6. Laurie Ruettimann
  7. Tim Sackett
  8. Mark Stelzner
  9. Matt Stollak
  10. Robin Schooling
  11. George LaRocque
  12. Jeff Waldman
  13. Achievers
  14. Linda Jonas
  15. China Gorman
  16. Jessica Miller-Merrell
  17. Trish McFarlane
  18. Madeline Laurano
  19. Smashfly
  20. The Starr Conspiracy — Obviously, you’ll want to connect with The Starr Conspiracy on Twitter to catch our blog posts and tweets from the show. That goes without saying. But I’m gonna say it anyway.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s wrap up with everything you ever wanted to know about #HRTechConf 2013. See you on Monday!