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11 Tips for Building a Brand Newsroom

brand newsroom

Yesterday, we shared Steve Smith’s presentation from InfluenceHR titled, “Building a Brand Newsroom: How the Rules of Content Marketing are Changing for Technology Companies.” Today, you can catch the ebook that was released at the same time, “11 Tips for Building a Brand Newsroom.”

Steve’s 11 tips are outlined here — but I recommend you check out the ebook for the commentary and his thoughts on what you need for a successful content marketing strategy.

  • Cut the bulls#!t. People see right through spin.
  • Think like a journalist. Think about how your work can benefit your audience, not just sell stuff.
  • Think like your audience. Think about how to be their advocate.
  • Think like an evangelist. Like a crusading journalist, pursue The Truth with fervor.
  • Tell stories. To tell a story worth hearing, adopt a unique point of view.
  • Commit to consistency. That means an editorial calendar.
  • Be agile and be topical. You’re always on a deadline.
  • Be relevant. What you say better be worth saying.
  • Think in terms of relationships. Treat your audience like people who matter.
  • Be concise. People today have short attention spans.
  • Get a champion. You can outsource your work, but you can’t outsource your passion.


If you want to learn more about brand journalism, check out the ebook above, the presentation from InfluenceHR, or download the white paper, “Beyond the Buzzword: Brand Journalism and the Future of Content Marketing.”