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Get Creative with Your Twitter Header Photo

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Have you started using Twitter’s new header image yet? It’s been one week since Twitter made the new header image capability changes and already there are pages and pages of design resources, tutorials, and free template downloads for your Twitter header.

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That’s mine. I didn’t have any creative juice left last week.

We know America is completely obsessed with how unique we are and setting ourselves apart from everyone else … it was only a matter of time before Twitter gave you more personalized control to make their beautiful interface cluttered and crowded. I’m kidding, you’ll do a great job.

If you’re looking for ways to make a unique header image, here are a couple of resources from the web:

So get out there and put a human face with your brand or give your personal page a little extra oomph.

Get it ready before HR Tech, if that’s part of your world.

Just put something cool up. Be creative. Show off.