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The Good. The Bad. The Ugly. #hrtechconf

The Starr Conspiracy does not publicly comment on our favorite companies or products in the marketplace.

It’s not that we don’t have opinions. We do. We just keep our opinions to ourselves, thank you very much. If you want some insight and guidance, call us.

We will share the good, the bad and the ugly aspects of this year’s HR Technology Conference.

The Good.

We liked the interconnectedness of this year’s event. Vendors, practitioners and analysts communicated with one another in a more comfortable way thanks to social media. Authentic and frequent communication among diverse groups of people will always be good.

The Bad.

You know what we don’t like? Rules. And The Mandalay Bay Convention Center had them. Tons. If you want to take two steps and be a God-fearing American citizen, you gotta follow their rules. Seriously. Some people blame unions. Some people blame greedy corporations. Some people blame Barack Obama.

We flaunt the rules instead of playing the blame game.

If we are not clear, these convention centers have the vendors on the expo hall floor by the shorthairs. That’s bad.

The Ugly.

You know what’s still ugly? Swag. Swag. Swag.

Laurie Ruettimann has retired her ‘swag recap’ series but Dwane Lay picked up the franchise for $40 and some cats. In the most recent installment, Dwane and Paul Smith deconstruct the very crappy swag from this year’s conference.

The swag is ugly but these boys are not. Good job!

If you want to read other thoughts on The HR Technology Conference, google it. Go ahead. You might discover new HR bloggers and practitioners who have interesting and insightful things to say.
