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TSC Employees: Crazy, Quirky, Cool


As you probably already know, we often talk about how the employees at TSC aren’t your typical, run-of-the-mill kind of people. We can be a little intense, we can be a little silly, and we can be really crazy when it comes to enthusiasm — both in and outside the office.

A lot of companies will tell you that they support a work/life balance, but at TSC, we practice what we preach. As a group, we’ve been known to drink together, play together, and most important, we show up for each other in our work and sometimes even in our personal lives. I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s true.

My philosophy on why we’re such good friends is that we all bring something different to the table. For instance, Lou Chapman, besides being a fantastic writer and content strategist, is also a trained Anusara yoga instructor. Copy editor (and frequent blog poster) Steph Buchanan not only checks out our words all day, she belts out lines of her own when she’s performing as the lead singer in Fort Worth favorite, The Diabolical Machines.

Many of us had other careers unrelated to marketing or enterprise software before joining The Starr Conspiracy. Account manager Stacy Edwards earned her master’s in Public Administration from NYU Wagner School of Public Service before bringing her organizational skills and passion to TSC, and in her free time has started up a farmer’s market right here in the Near Southside neighborhood. Partner Dan McCarron worked in the music industry and managed Afroman. That’s pretty cool. And hell, I left my first job to travel for three months in a 1986 Winnebago across the western United States before landing back in Fort Worth as a copywriter.

The point is, we all bring something to the table because we all get to share our individualism in the workplace. It’s what I love about our culture. And as we celebrate the employees of TSC on the blog this week, I’m excited that soon we’ll have a new evolution of our brand, one that reveals even more about who we are and what we’re capable of doing together as a team.

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