You are a champion. You’re bench pressing the boxes of promotional items and swag you have stored away. You give yourself a pretty intense pep talk every morning. You’re dreaming of your strategy to dominate the expo floor. You’re playing “Eye of the Tiger” right effing now. Wipe the sweat off your brow, because we know what it takes to win at HR Tech.
It’s a three part formula we think will be an elixir for your trade show presence this year. Make the most of your stay in Vegas and take home more than a tote bag full of stress balls and branded pens.
After all, the annual HR Technology Conference & Exposition is our version of the Olympics. So train up, young grasshopper. Here’s what you need.
Burn After Reading: The Vendor’s HR Technology Conference & Exposition Manual
Our team of highly-skilled agents have been gathering reconnaissance from the leading vendors, analysts, and influencers to get you the insight you need to make this a successful show. Check out the ebook on SlideShare and reap the rewards of getting all these big brains together on a single project.
Thanks to our contributors: China Gorman, Teela Jackson, Matthew Stollak, Kris Dunn, Mark Stelzner, Tim Sackett, Robin Schooling, Matt Charney, Lance Haun, Claude Werder, Laurie Ruettimann, Chris Brablc, Steve Smith, Rob Catalano, George LaRocque, and Bret Starr.
Schedule a free, two-hour planning session and transform your marketing strategy
If you want to get more out of the experience than a hangover and some bad swag, let’s schedule some time to do a free two-hour strategic planning session. What’s a planning session? We’ll gather some information about your goals; introduce our Honeycomb methodology; identify and prioritize business, sales, and marketing initiatives; and provide a final recommendation.
Our strategy team has been doing these for over a decade, and we’re good at them. Learn more.
Party Monday night away with Virgin HealthMiles and The Starr Conspiracy
You might not think attending parties is an essential part of your HR Technology Conference & Exposition strategy. Think again. Meet new people, make some memories, and get that familiar wink and nod the next morning from influencers and your fellow vendors that you both know what went down the night before. And man, wasn’t that just insane?
If you have never been to a party thrown by The Starr Conspiracy, you are in for a treat. Unwind after your first day on the expo floor and make some new friends, lose some memories, and join the not-so-secret society of HR Tech partygoers.
RSVP for the Virgin HealthMiles party now.
You are ready, young grasshopper. We’ll see you in Vegas.