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Get Creative With Your Landing Pages For A Better User Experience

The Starr Conspiracy recently published a white paper and hosted a webinar with Brandon Hall Group on the seven trends impacting the HCM space today. To follow up, we put together this interactive infographic highlighting one of the trends — the consumerification of enterprise HCM software.

consumer tech trends

This week, we’re talking about landing pages, and I wanted to highlight our team’s recent work on this infographic as an example of a content-rich, ungated asset as a supportive component of the gated asset — the State of HCM white paper.

Below is the flat, PDF version of the infographic, but make sure you check out the live, interactive version here as well.


Get creative with your landing pages — think about what keeps your prospects or customers up at night and answer those questions with your content marketing efforts. For us, providing solutions through content for our customers meant dissecting an upcoming trend in a space we know well — enterprise HCM software.

Are your landing pages thought of as opportunities for engagement and an enrinched experience for your users or are they considered a “necessary evil?” How can you rethink the landing page to delight and engage your customers and users?

And while you’re thinking of what keeps your customers up at night, don’t forget to register for our upcoming webinar on Drive with George LaRocque and Bret Starr. You won’t want to miss it. Register here.