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Improving the B2B and Recruiting Funnel

I’ve worked at The Starr Conspiracy for about a year. It’s been a masterclass in marketing for me. It’s amazing how much I sorta knew about marketing through my work as a recruiter — and how much I’ve learned from my amazing colleagues, exceptional leadership team and super-smart clients.

More people should take a sabbatical from their current jobs and do something different. Leaving the world of Human Resources and jumping into social media marketing has changed my life. I’m now a better HR professional and a much more effective social media strategist. And now I see why Kris Dunn and Tim Sackett believe that HR can raise its game by thinking like a money-hungry VP of Sales.

Lead generation, demand generation and pre-qualified inquiries. It’s all about a multi-channel messaging strategy that results in closers getting a cup of coffee.

I see that now.

Everything is connected. Nothing happens in a vacuum. It’s all a conspiracy. Wow, it’s been a great year.