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Is It Time To Kick Your Agency To The Curb?


Breaking up is hard to do. We get it. You feel alone. It’s hard to find the right words to express why you’re leaving and say goodbye without burning bridges.

But not this time. Not when you’re ready to end the relationship with your current agency and trust someone new.

There’s an app for that. Actually, it’s a SlideShare presentation.

Dear John: The Best Letter Ever for Kicking Your Agency to the Curb is a very brief guide to help any business make the leap, land on its feet, and move forward. It even includes sample letters customized to fit three different corporate cultures. We’re sure you’ll find one that applies to you — more or less.

Whether you’re ready to leave that agency today, or just want to scratch that nagging itch that you get now and then to see what’s out there (and who doesn’t have that itch sometimes?), you’ll learn something in Dear John: The Best Letter Ever for Kicking Your Agency to the Curb.


Check out the ebook on SlideShare and see if it isn’t time to kick that agency to the curb. Tweet us at @StarrConspiracy with the hashtag #YouAreFired — or, you know, let us know what you think about the government shutdown while you’re there.

We even made it easy to share.

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