This comes first: Your message is the most important element in your marketing universe. Every other marketing component flows from your message.
Then this: Most marketing messages go unseen, unheard and undetected.
Now know this: There is a proven, practical method to developing and managing a message that can change your company’s destiny.
That is the essence of The Message Manifesto.
Join Bret Starr, founder, president and partner of The Starr Conspiracy, on Tuesday, Feb. 5, at 1 p.m. Central time for a one-hour webinar that will reveal The Message Manifesto. You’ll learn why most messages fail and how yours can instead personify your business strategy, define your market position and boldly declare your differentiation.
Which are all very good things. Believe it.
Moderated by Jonathan Goodman, also from The Starr Conspiracy, The Message Manifesto webinar will explain why developing a great message requires:
- A clearly defined strategy
- Real research
- Development that includes experimentation
- Validation in the marketplace
- Enablement of the message among stakeholders
- Analytics to evaluate its impact
Then you’ll hear why you need to manage your message with even more rigor and discipline than you bring to managing your brand.
Learn the secrets of The Message Manifesto:
- Tuesday, Feb. 5
- 1 p.m. Central time
Register for The Message Manifesto webinar now. To download the slides, download The Message Manifesto.