5 B2B Content Marketing Myths You Should Challenge
Content marketing has blossomed much like the common plot of 90s high school cult comedies — the glasses are off, her hair is styled a little differently, and suddenly her big reveal is the talk of the town. We put a new shade of lipstick on content marketing every couple of months and then talk about how great she looks now … but there are still some persistent myths that need to be challenged before B2B marketing can really say they have conquered the content marketing mountain. Read the full post.
Five Content Curation Mistakes B2B Marketers Are Making
Content. If you’re a B2B marketer today, the odds are good that you’ve been using it for lead generation and brand awareness. Research from the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs finds that 95% of enterprise B2Bs are practicing content marketing, which means there’s a lot of content out there. And yet the demand for content has never been greater. Read the full post from MarketingProfs.
Content Marketing by the Numbers — How Often Are Marketers Creating New Content?
No one ever said content marketing was easy. In fact, regularly creating engaging, shareable, and effective content can be really overwhelming for marketers. After all, how do you stay inspired enough to keep enough ideas on tap? And even if you don’t run into a creativity block, there are only so many hours in each day. Read the full post.
Keep Your Content Marketing from Getting Lost
Marketers are increasing their investment in content marketing this year and producing a higher volume of content for their audiences. In fact, 2014 research from MarketingProfs and CMI found that 73 percent of B2B content marketers were producing more content than they did a year ago. Read the full post on Content Marketing Institute.
How Your Role as a B2B Marketer is Changing this Year
You might be on a familiar hunt for content marketing talent. Or, maybe you’re a content marketer yourself looking to improve your skills in 2014. Regardless, the game changes over time and the expectations for great content marketers are growing. Read the full post.
Make Your Employer Branding and Onboarding Fascinating with a Compelling Origin Story
Does your company have a compelling Origin Story? If you do, are you using it to its fullest advantage or is it more of a best kept secret? Read the full post on ERE.net.
5 B2B Content Marketing Reference Guides and Cheat Sheets
Instead of inundating you with more best practices and more words, we wanted to help you by curating a set of printable references that you can access daily as you go about your work. Read the full post.
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