How Does Your Hiring and Retention Program Compare to the Inc. 5000’s?
Last year, Cornell professor Sam Bacharach surveyed more than 300 Inc. 5000 firms to find out how they hire and retain their best talent. Check out the results in the following infographic featured on to see how you stack up. Read the full post.
Business Leaders Don’t Think HR is Up to Snuff
Deloitte’s annual Global Human Capital Trends Report for 2014 is out. Influenced by the work of Bersin by Deloitte, it examines 12 trends that represent the way employees today are driving their organizations to innovate and transform human capital practices. Read the full post on China Gorman’s blog.
The Starr Conspiracy Acquires LAROCQUE INC and InfluenceHR
Things are movin’ and shakin’ over here at The Starr Conspiracy. Today, we announced the acquisition of LAROCQUE INC, a strategic go-to-market consulting firm for HR technology and human capital management (HCM) companies. What does that mean? A few things. Read the full post to find out.
3 Actionable Items B2B Marketers Can Take to the Bank
B2B marketers need tactics that can move the needle on business growth. Below are three very actionable marketing tactics that can drive that growth. They will lead to more conversations (because you love people), more deals (because you love to see opportunities), and more money (because that’s what makes a business run). Read the full post on Social Media B2B.
The Brief Truth About Briefings and Why We’re Interested Now
With George LaRocque joining The Starr Conspiracy, we figured now is a good time to write about vendor briefings since we’ll be doing a lot more of them in the coming months. What’s a briefing, why do HR vendors do them, why do we care, and what does it all mean? Read the full post.
7 Content Ideas to Fuel Your Inbound Marketing Strategy
It is becoming abundantly clear that companies need to change their approach to marketing – outbound is out and inbound is in. With consumers becoming savvier to traditional marketing tactics, it is clear they are no longer buying what companies are selling with their outbound campaigns. Read the full post.
How HCM Vendors Can Get the Most Out of Briefings
You might have briefings on the brain after this week’s two announcements that George LaRocque has joined The Starr Conspiracy Intelligence Unit as director of go-to-market services and that The Starr Conspiracy will be accepting requests for briefings in a more official capacity. If you’re wondering how you can have successful briefings as an HCM vendor, check out these five tips to get you started. Read the full post.