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4 Writing and Editing Blogs You Should Bookmark Now

6a00e5506da99788330153915f5534970b-800wiBeing able to write compelling, sound copy can mean the difference between looking like the smartest person in the room and looking like a drooling idiot. Knowing proper grammar rules (or having an editor who can remember that stuff for you) can also save you a lot of embarrassment. And even those of us who have a good grasp on language and writing hit a wall or forget a rule now and then. If you’d like to brush up on your writing skills, learn some obscure details about language, or geek out on grammar, here are four blogs you should bookmark right now.

  • Copyblogger — This blog covers just about anything you need to know about creating killer content. From basic writing tips to SEO copywriting, this really is the content marketing blog. They also offer a ton of e-books, webinars, and seminars.
  • Grammar Underground — June Casagrande’s blog offers a copy editor’s insight into conundrums as simple as figuring when to use that vs. which to rants about ampersands and opinions about grammar topics that aren’t so black and white. I try to read a few posts whenever I have a little downtime.
  • Arrant Pedantry — Speaking of gray areas, if you really feel like nerding out on grammatical and linguistic minutia, you need to read this blog. And if, like me, you think data should be treated as a singular noun, you’re going to love this post. And this one.
  • The Subversive Copy Editor Blog —This blog is by manuscript editor and author Carol Saller and covers a lot of issues writers and editors encounter in the trenches.

I know, I know — these are heavily skewed toward editing, but that’s my world! Besides, knowing how to write clean, correct sentences will help your writing so much (and keep your copy editor from stabbing you with her red pen). And these should provide you with something new and interesting to check out when you feel like you’ve read everything on the Internet.

Do you have any go-to writing blogs?