Why no one can explain the value of PR …
Why no one can explain the value of PR and how PR can change your marketing destiny. What I’m about to say is going to piss off a lot of my public relations colleagues…
3 Analyst Tips to Avoid Being Left Behind
Analysts are important to closing deals. Some big buyers want their validations before pulling the trigger. Some buyers use analysts during the research or active evaluation phase of the buyer’s journey. And some buyers look to analysts to find a short list of vendors that will solve their business problems. All of those things will […]
And the InfluenceHR Award Goes to …
One of the benefits of conducting so much market research is that we’re exposed to a lot of brands in the HCM software and solutions space. The Starr Conspiracy knows what brands are gaining traction in aided and unaided recall questions and functional association questions. We routinely see the data across all categories of HR […]
Why We’re Not Scared of Analysts
Agents at The Starr Conspiracy provide strategic insights, conduct primary research, and write a lot of sales and marketing content for HR technology and enterprise software companies — work that drives leads, increases brand awareness, and increases market share. So why do we send some of our clients to work with analysts, who do similar […]
TSC’s Record-high Client Satisfaction Score and Why We’re So Proud
It’s that time of year — when folks start looking back at what they’ve accomplished and start looking forward to what’s possible in 2016. At The Starr Conspiracy, we don’t wait until the end of the year to evaluate progress or make course corrections. We implemented a system for gathering client feedback every month — […]
Public Relations Should Generate Revenue
A public relations colleague at a local Fortune 500 company recently posted on social media about how happy she was not having to worry about generating revenue — as if PR shouldn’t feel the pressure of showing ROI in the same way marketing and advertising efforts are bound to bottom-line analytics. While marketing and advertising […]
Our Email Marketing Tips List That Doesn’t Suck
Clicking the “Send Now” button for a recent Starr Conspiracy email newsletter at 9:30 at night, by accident, generated some interesting results. The human error turned out to be a reminder that steadfastly adhering to best practices (like time-of-day “rules” for sending out emails) may be a slippery slope to mediocrity.
Giving Back to Our Community
When we attended the recent American Advertising Awards, we were on pins and needles. We waited in anticipation for The Starr Conspiracy’s name to be mentioned. Not solely to hear our name mentioned as an ADDY winner, but also for our pro bono work on the American Advertising Federation – Fort Worth chapter’s revamped website. […]
Yes, You Can Measure a PR Campaign
As diversity chair for the Greater Fort Worth Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, I was recently tasked with bringing in a guest speaker to discuss communicating with a diverse audience. (The luncheon was focused specifically on diversity.) I invited L. Michelle Smith, AT&T’s head of corporate diversity, and was pleasantly surprised — […]
Go Beyond Marketing and Advertising with The Starr Conspiracy Tech Unit
The Starr Conspiracy’s unique method of disruptive marketing and advertising was bound to do more than change B2B marketing forever. Surprisingly, we found it changed us as well. The very same divergent path where we guide our clients in the enterprise software and services industry to successful branding and product campaigns has led us to […]