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WTF is the HRBN?

The HR Blogger Network (HRBN) was launched at the beginning of this month. If you missed it, that’s okay.

We didn’t take it personally.

In fact, we’ll even fill you in on what you missed.

The HRBN connects HR and Human Capital bloggers with vendors in the HR/Talent Management space. Vendors who participate in the advertising exchange benefit from exposure to a targeted audience and connections with influencers and the bloggers get paid for hosting topic-relevant advertisements without having to hunt down advertisers themselves.

That’s a win/win, don’t you think?

If you want to learn more about the awesome, premium network, you can watch this recorded webinar or sign up for more information.

Learn in one hour how to boost awareness, recognition and recall of your brand — with huge ROI — through an exclusive advertising arrangement that incorporates social media, blogging and the latest marketing technology.

Contact us at or in the comments with any questions!